Wednesday, February 04, 2009


It's finally here... after a long ... long.... six weeks .. the kids go back to school.
And get this, they go on Wednesday and Thursday, then they have Friday OFF!


I will only just start to enjoy my 6 hours a day without them and they will be home again for a long weekend. NOT FAIR.

So what do I have planned today?
- kids to school
- babysit for my Aunt for a couple of hours
- go book myself into an art class (starts Feb 17th)
- organise all the toys in the house into the new, empty cupboard

That's about it for now!

WOOO HOOOO... they are at school! And as I kinda expected, Griffin cried and clung to me AGAIN. Poor kid, he never gets used to change easily. He has the most awesome teacher, she's the previous owner of our new home! And she is also going to be Griffin's Reading Recovery Teacher... sounds like they are ON TO IT this year! EXCELLENT.
Brylee is in the Senior School this year! She looks way to little to be in senior school! She should be fine, at least she didn't cry when I left.

NOW, what to do first? Take a nap? Go shopping? Have a bubble bath.... or hang out the washing? DARN it, I suppose I better do the washing.

Washing is out, I have moved on to TOYS:

It is stinking hot too... I can hardly move without breaking out in a sweat... but this has to be done. The bed is stripped cos the little shit has taken to wetting his bed AGAIN.. I reckon he's drinking far too much during the day (cos it's hot) AND maybe he's been a bit stressed out about going back to school too. *sigh*

DONE! So much for enjoying the first day without the kids... I have spent hours tidying up all the toys and putting them in the cupboard. I am exhausted and actually feel ill now! Too hot.

I have to pick the kids up in an hour and I am going to be totally EVIL and drive up to the school. I just can't bear to be out there ...walking in this heat.

There I was kinda worried about how they would go today... and Griffin rocks up to the car and says "Mum, I've had a super cool day!"... well that's just lovely innit? Seems he just LOVES his new teacher, LOVES everyone in his class, LOVES LOVES LOVES being back at school. Nice.

Brylee was a bit more reserved... but say's she is happy to be back at school. Roll on tomorrow then.

End of Day: well it wasn't quite the day I planned.. but it was good, I was busy and I didn't go off track with me diet at all! EXCELLENT. nite nite.


  1. What no shopping lol - and know the feeling about the kids going back to school...... Have a good day :-)

  2. Bwa! Had to laugh when I read they had Friday off!! :]

  3. yeah really! go shopping! :)

  4. Yaeh Kids back to school, then a holiday then easter then know least ANZAC day is a Saturday this year lol

  5. Thats how they did us here, the kids had 2 weeks out for Christmas and were back to school for one week than had a 5 day weekend! I bet you will love your art class, how exciting! Poor Griffin, he reminds me of Ash, change is hard! What grade is senior school? Brylee is just tiny, lucky girl! Enjoy your day the kids will be home soon.

  6. Okay, seriously, I would of taken the first day off and celebrated! Not go right to work! Sooo, tomorrow, before the long weekend, I want to see a post that you went out for a nice relaxing do doing whatever you love. Life is short and you are already so stinking organized it makes me sick! Ha ha...

  7. Don't y'all have air conditioning, Chris? I'd be cranking it up if it were that hot in my house!

    Poor Griffin. I have a boy that doesn't like change, as well. As they get older, it does get better. My son no longer cries on his birthday because he doesn't want to be a year older. :)

  8. school Finally!! send a bit of the hot weather here it is too darn cold for me! not so bad but then the wind starts to blow and it just cuts through us.
    HUGS Laura

  9. Poor Griffin - I had a whole term with Josh where he cried everyday - now I dont even get out of the car. Do they sell 'Dry nites' in NZ? They are big kid night nappies. I will occassionaly put them on Josh if he's had a big watermelon/fruit eating day or if he's really tired and I know he wont get up if he needs to go. They might make Griffin feel less stressed?

  10. Poor wee man, it's not easy being "big".

  11. Anonymous2:24 PM

    I was voting for a Bubble Bath first!!! But it's prolly a bit hot. Poor Griffin, hope he settles back into school quickly.

  12. Wish it was hot here today, it has been but today is cool and grey:-(

  13. some kids just have a wee bit of trouble with wee wee at night. If you wake up to go at night take him to the BR and then back to bed, it may save you on some laundry. I used to do that with my daughter and she would pee like a race horse, never even woke up.

  14. Anonymous10:33 PM

    reading recovery rox! I love it!

  15. Congrats on the weight loss and getting those toys organized! It certainly looked like a huge job!

  16. The schools do the same thing here in Canada. Lots of people just don't show up till the following week as they are away. It is stupid if you ask me. You have been rather productive with you day. I'm sure once you get things back to the way you like there will be more relaxing involved in the day. Have another fun fill day.

  17. HEY LOOKIT all those toys! I don't think we have quite that many. We have the *same* castle though. :]

    WOW are you organized too.

    I'm so glad school is going well!!

  18. Damn girl you need to get your priorities right - it should have been shopping, bubble bath and then nap - stuff the bloody toys ... lol

    Glad to hear their first day went so well.


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